kosuke sakai / architect

L-wall Gallery

tokyo, japan


L-wall Gallery

L-wall Gallery

狭小の敷地の真ん中に、展示壁かつ構造壁となるL字型の壁を建てる。この壁から持ち出されたギャラリーの床は交互にスキップしながら、鑑賞者を最上階に導く。 各展示室は外部に対して、交互に開いたり閉じたりしており、鑑賞者はL字壁を抜ける毎に内外が反転するような空間体験を得る。 天井高や自然光の採り入れ方は室毎に異なり、小さなギャラリーの中にたくさんの多様な空間を内包することを目指した。

This is one of our proposals for a project to build a small gallery in Tokyo. We put a L-shaped structural wall which also functions as exhibition wall in the center of the site. Floor slabs, which are cantilevered from the wall, create split-levels. Each room is alternately open and closed to outside environment; people can experience dramatic changes of space when they walk from one side of the wall to the other. Each room has peculiar ceiling height and ways to let in natural light. We aimed to create various spaces with different quality of light in a small gallery.